By 10am, I recorded the 10th contraction within 10 minutes. No choice liao, gotta go. Ah Mei ah, you are supposed to come out one month later you know? Called papa, he rushed back from the Army while I took a bath and get all my barang barang ready. Was a bit worried this time, as mei mei is only 36th weeks' old. If she weighed less than 2kg, will need to stay longer in the hospital. Also given the fact that I've only put on a mere 6kg for this birth, really don't know whether its because she's underweight or I have lost weight.
Dr Kowa checked me and announced that I have not started to dilate yet. Oh gosh! Its about dilation again!! Sian. He said I can go back and wait but it's just gonna be this few days. When we were paying, the clinic assistant suggested that I go for induction today since we are already here. It's less stressful for us than to go back and wait. Anyway, it's just these 2 days, might as well delivered today. Edmund agreed. We went back and told Dr Kowa our decision. They then made arrangements for delivery suit, anaesthetist, etc. The room will be ready for us by 1pm, hence we went to have our lunch first.
Back to the delivery ward, I waited and then had my epidural adminstered and then waited for "the time" to come. 这一等就等到了 7+pm. I was lucky today as I managed to cooincide with Christine's auntie's (a midwife)schedule. Nice to have someone you know to take care of you. She told me that mei mei's heartbeat is beginning to drop. And she reported the drop to Dr Kowa a few times. Finally, she passed the phone to me with Dr Kowa on the line. He explained to me that mei mei's heartbeat had dropped to a level too low and we cannot wait for the dilation anymore. I need to go for emergency cecaerean. WHAT!! 我的天呀!! I don't wish to be under the knife!! But, guess there's no other choice. I need to choose whether to continue with the epidural or to go for a GA. I thought that since I am already on epidural, might as well continue. So I told the mid-wife that yes, continue. Edmund looked worried. He ask for 5 mins to have a smoke first as he's very nervous about going into the operation room with me. For the moment, I giggle inside hubby is scared. When Edmund was gone, I was imagining the operation and recalled what Jeff had told me about his wife's operation. I shivered inside. I really don't think I can take that emotional ride. Better go for GA, have a sleep and don't know what is happening. When Edmund is back, told him my final decision, saw a relief from his face.
Went into the operation theatre with Dr Kowa, the anaesthetist and the team. Then what happened, I don't know already. When I opened my eyes, Edmund was standing in front of me smiling. Instantly I asked him how's mei mei. He smiled and said she's fine and is a pretty little girl. I ordered him to quickly bring her from the nursery room to me as I can't wait to meet my precious gem. She's so small and beautiful. This little monster that have been kicking me for that few months is finally in my arms now. The feeling of being a mummy 真的是充满满足感!

Amber look sooo tiny in papa's hig arms.

WE LUV U !!!
From: Papa, mummy & jiejie
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