We have finally made the decision to withdraw her from the CCC. Wanted her to take a good rest and build up her immunity first. Many have been telling me that it's usual for a child to fall sick when they starts going to CCC. Of coz I know, dun forget Pearl starts going to CCC at 13 months. But being sick, to the extend that she needs to see doc 3x a month for consecutively 6 months is not normal! At least that's what I think. No way am I letting my little one fall sick for that long.
I was so lost during these periods. It's not very nice to keep taking urgent leave but luckily, my company is still quite understanding. If it's the former company, think my stress level will go up x100.
I did whatever I can to help her but seems to be of not much help. Here's a summary:
Western GP/PD
Nebulizer, inhaler. Amber is very very cooperative. She eats her medicine herself. I'll put all the syringes in a cup and she'll sit down and eat them all by herself. Sometimes, she needs to take at many as 7 types of medicines. And know what, she'll 乖乖 hold the mask of the nebulizer while watching her Barney!! She changed to using the chamber for the inhaler and she'll hold the chamber, take deep breadth and count with me! She's definitely my precious little gem.

We went all the way to Kembangan for 小儿推拿。 She needs to go for treatment at least 3x per week. Usually have to spend at least 3 hours there. I am very fortunate that Amber does not reject being massage or taking chinese medicine. That really makes thing much easier for me.
Vitamin & Tonics
Spent almost S$500 at Natures Farm buying all the vits and tonics for her. But, hardly able to take them as she's always on medication. Now I am eating them myself...
Papa bought it from the IT fair just for her. It's placed next to her sleeping area to improve the quality of the air around her.
Change name
We went to seek advice from a shifu to ask about Amber's Chinese name. It was badly chosen for her, need to change. We seek second opinion with 游龙子, apparently the more well-known one. Also said the same. We 顺便 change Pearl and my name as well. After that, still have to go ICA to make the necessary name change. How tiring...
All of the above does not stop Amber from falling sick again and again. LAST RESORT - STOP GOING TO CCC!!!
Papa said I overdo. I dunno, I only know that I will do whatever I can to help her. For the sake of my child, 赴汤蹈火,在所不辞。
I am very very grateful to my MIL. 真的是发自内心的感谢。 She had promised to help me look after Amber until she starts CCC again 2010. I intend to scout for a non-aircon CCC for them. Anyway, don't quite like the one they are attending. Pearl also having some problem in the CCC. Sianz...problem never ending...
Meimei, you must quickly get well!!!
We went all the way to Kembangan for 小儿推拿。 She needs to go for treatment at least 3x per week. Usually have to spend at least 3 hours there. I am very fortunate that Amber does not reject being massage or taking chinese medicine. That really makes thing much easier for me.
Vitamin & Tonics
Spent almost S$500 at Natures Farm buying all the vits and tonics for her. But, hardly able to take them as she's always on medication. Now I am eating them myself...
Papa bought it from the IT fair just for her. It's placed next to her sleeping area to improve the quality of the air around her.
Change name
We went to seek advice from a shifu to ask about Amber's Chinese name. It was badly chosen for her, need to change. We seek second opinion with 游龙子, apparently the more well-known one. Also said the same. We 顺便 change Pearl and my name as well. After that, still have to go ICA to make the necessary name change. How tiring...
All of the above does not stop Amber from falling sick again and again. LAST RESORT - STOP GOING TO CCC!!!
Papa said I overdo. I dunno, I only know that I will do whatever I can to help her. For the sake of my child, 赴汤蹈火,在所不辞。
I am very very grateful to my MIL. 真的是发自内心的感谢。 She had promised to help me look after Amber until she starts CCC again 2010. I intend to scout for a non-aircon CCC for them. Anyway, don't quite like the one they are attending. Pearl also having some problem in the CCC. Sianz...problem never ending...
Meimei, you must quickly get well!!!
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